Asahai Bal Sewa Ashram Samiti registered under 80G 12A, So that you can get the benefit in Income Tax rebate by help us through Donation.
Asahai Bal Sewa Ashram Samiti is a non-profit, non-government and secular voluntary organization registered under section 21, of the "Societies Registration Act. of 1860".
It is a national level social development and not for profit organization having its registered office at Village - Kallipur, Post - Mirzamurad, District - Varanasi (U.P.) and operates country wide. The specific focus of Asahai Bal Sewa Ashram Samiti is to provide vital health care and socio-economic developmental services to the marginalized and to the leprosy affected members of the communities.
No member of the association shall have any personal claim on any moveable or immoveable properties of the association or make any profits, whatsoever by virtue of this membership.
Aims & Objectives
To work for development of harmonious relation between all citizens irrespective of caste, creed, sex or religion. We are providing training programmes on various aspects such as health, education, social aspects.
To open and establish old aged homes for the welfare of old aged people. We provide necessary facilities to the inhabitants of the old aged home.
Our vertical for education is dedicated to help young people from poor families to complete education which will help them to secure their future.
Unit of development is the family. Organization of community is the approach, through which empowerment, capacity building and social transformation are attempted.